A Novel New Year Plan in the Novel of Your Life

Festus, MO

“A story is a character achieving a goal in spite of obstacles.”

– Jamie Jensen

As many of us are reflecting on the possibilities within the hope of a new year, I wanted to encourage you to be the author, illustrator, editor, and reader of this next chapter of your life.

Within your reflections, might you assess the elements of a “good story?”

As you are the character within your own story, what itty-bitty thoughts and actions allow you to achieve a goal in spite of your own obstacles?

Within your next 2024 chapter, what kind of walking stick will you be?

Is this your chapter to blend in or be seen?

Only you know that answer.

Living this life is about living this life, on our terms within the pages we write and color in our own novel. 

We cultivate our own parameters, space, and pace of our own storyline. 

We are the artist of the masterpiece of our life.

We can always write our transformation narrative, at any point within our novel. 

While we have the power to create, we also hold the power unwrite, discontinue, and halt the production of old, outdated stories that no longer serve us. 

Releasing the harmful and negative internal dialog to make space for a more fresh, positive, and uplifting storyline REALLY makes for a good story.

Most everyone likes a hero, especially when WE can be the hero living out the adventures we create.

How can you be the hero in your own story?

How will you fill the page of your day today? 


This is a non-paid endorsement encouraging you to take some reflective moments out to be creative within how you want to write your 2024 chapter. 

As always, I invite you to share on social media, connect with yourself and others, and support your authenticity.


“Don’t ever ask for permission to follow your dreams. 

Follow them no matter what. It’s important. 

We have one life here and you are the author of your story, more than anybody else. 

You are much more responsible for your dreams coming true or not than anyone else in your life you have contacted with. 

So, dream big, work hard, and make it happen no matter what.”

– Jared Leto

The pictures of this brave walking stick were taken this fall within my Festus, MO neighborhood. 

More thoughts on our own authentic identity:

The Ridges of Our Identity

Learn about an inspiring local couple who releasing the “shoulds” within their novel life:

Healing with Honey Bees Herbal 

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