Who • What • Why • How
ALL About MyFESTUS.com
MyFESTUS.com is a website that creates an opportunity for individuals, businesses, entrepreneurs, and non-profit organizations to be more visible by shining the light on what they ALL offer. Like ALL
Meet Sara, the Creator of MyFESTUS.com
Hello! My name is Sara. I am the creator of MyFESTUS.com, a storyteller, and a big fan of living in Festus, Missouri. I help our local businesses and entrepreneurs to
iCare Community Award
I am beyond honored to be the recipient of the RE/MAX Best Choice Missouri Real Estate iCare Award. Thank you to this incredible team! Here is what they had to
How Does MyFESTUS.com Support OurFESTUS Area Community?
MyFESTUS.com encourages and supports people to enjoy all there is to explore and experience within OurFESTUS-area community. We are on a mission to help people feel they belong “at home” within
MY SHARE: Being a transplant to Festus, Missouri, I was craving the information to learn about the people and places to explore within this area. I wanted to get out
ALL About MyFESTUS.com
MyFESTUS.com is a website that creates an opportunity for individuals, businesses, entrepreneurs, and non-profit organizations to be more visible by shining the light on what they ALL offer. Like ALL the stories you will find on this website, it goes beyond the surface level. The MyFESTUS energy is ALL about
Meet Sara, the Creator of MyFESTUS.com
Hello! My name is Sara. I am the creator of MyFESTUS.com, a storyteller, and a big fan of living in Festus, Missouri. I help our local businesses and entrepreneurs to share their stories to connect them to our people, while we all support OurFESTUS community. More about me…how this all
iCare Community Award
I am beyond honored to be the recipient of the RE/MAX Best Choice Missouri Real Estate iCare Award. Thank you to this incredible team! Here is what they had to say: In true Sara fashion, I wanted to share my itty-bitty reflections as I connect inward on this recognition of
How Does MyFESTUS.com Support OurFESTUS Area Community?
MyFESTUS.com encourages and supports people to enjoy all there is to explore and experience within OurFESTUS-area community. We are on a mission to help people feel they belong “at home” within themselves, with others, and where they live. To do this, we are actively, proudly CONNECTING PEOPLE and CREATING COMMUNITY, one
MY SHARE: Being a transplant to Festus, Missouri, I was craving the information to learn about the people and places to explore within this area. I wanted to get out and about to make this place my home, but I struggled to find information about events, businesses, people, nonprofit organizations,
This is the time of year where we are all READY to welcome in a little FUN…right!? ✨ There is so much FUN to be had in OurFESTUS area!✨ Within the FUN category on MyFESTUS(.com), I share pictures and an itty-bitty story, connecting you with my FUN experiences to encourage
Why I am a Proud Member of the Jefferson County Growth Association
✨I am proud to be a member of the Jefferson County Growth Association!✨ This organization aligns with my mission and belief that we can ALL thrive in community by sharing, connecting, and supporting. Their mission is to “provide coordination of professional leadership to promote and support new and existing growth
SUPER Delicious Reviews
The “FOOD” category has been one of the most popular features on my website. Probably because we all like to eat!? And, because I have over 60 published stories/SUPER delicious reviews about food/drink places within OurFESTUS area! Within the Food category, I share pictures and an itty-bitty story, connecting you
Come for the Convenience, Stay for the Culture
Culture, as it is defined by the Oxford Dictionary is the arts and other manifestations of human intellectual achievement regarded collectively. Festus, Missouri is a convenient place to live in, and visit, full of easy-to-navigate places to explore and experience. There is little traffic and a lot to do. The people
How Can You Help the MyFESTUS.com Mission?
You can help this mission and our community by SPREADING THE WORD. Each individual, itty-bitty share makes a big impact. Sometimes a team is needed to help accomplish a significant movement, such as in the revitalization and unity felt within a community. When multiple leaders link up to share, connect,
Hello! I am Sara, the creator of MyFestus.com. I live in Festus, Missouri, the 11th city I have lived in. I grew up and lived in Wisconsin and Minnesota prior to moving to Missouri. Since I was an itty-bitty little girl, I have worked in a variety of small businesses, in all different industries. I earned my B.A. in Professional Communication from Alverno College in Milwaukee, WI.
I moved to Festus in 2018, starting a new life chapter with my partner and Jefferson County-native, Jason. With the busyness of getting settled into a new state while working full time with two young children and navigating a global pandemic, I am just now getting out to explore this energetic community, full of beautiful nature, brave entrepreneurs and compassionate people.
As a “transplant,” I am extending my roots as I grow and thrive, while helping native residents, newcomers and visitors do the same. I am honored to publicly communicate local events, shine the light on people and places, share education and provide encouragement.
The MyFESTUS Mission is to:
- SHARE all there is to love about the Festus, Missouri area.
- CONNECT with people to provide a trusted resource guide.
- SUPPORT local individuals, establishments and nonprofits (a.k.a. MyFESTUS Friends) to increase their visibility and enrich our community.
I invite you to follow me on this fun journey. I share consistently on this website and on my Facebook and Instagram pages. Please subscribe with your email address for future communication.
Please send me a message if you have questions, suggestions and/or would like to connect. Thank you for reading and sharing.