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An Attitude of Abundance

Wildflowers in Festus, MO

I have always associated the word/concept of abundance with the word/concept of enough. As in enough resources of something tangible such as money, food, shelter, or even time.

Recently, though, I am reflecting on the concept of abundance within an attitude, a state of mind. Sufficiency as a state of mind. Having an abundant mindset can seep into any aspect of our life. It is impossible to find peace and contentment when we always want more. Feeling deficient, in any capacity, reinforces a scarcity mindset with a belief system based out of fear.

Perhaps we can start to make itty-bitty mental shifts with how we view the many elements in our life. It may be helpful to recognize the opposite feeling when emotions of deficiency emerge in our many life domains:

Lack –> Have

Incomplete –> Complete

Not Enough –> Enough

Desperate –> Appreciate

Obsess –> Relax

Grasp –> Release

Keep –> Give

Control –> Let Go

Fear –> Peace

Scarce –> Plenty

Struggle –> Abundance

If we shift our energy from feeling we HAVE enough, we can shift our feeling about our self to feel confident that we ARE enough.

If we are solid with an identity of BEING enough, we can be in a space to practice acceptance and generosity.

“Abundance is not something we acquire. It is something we tune into.”

  • Wayne Dyer

Wishing you moments to tune into your abundant life.

Please trust you are enough. Your Festus-area community invites you to show up exactly as you are.

The pictures are of random wildflowers and weeds from around the beautiful Festus, MO area.

They were just enough to bring the beauty of the outdoors inside to provide me with abundant joy.

Another story about finding the beauty within the ditch:

Discovering the Beauty in the Ditch 

Learn about an amazing local nonprofit organization who helps people feel abundantly confident on two wheels:

Loving a Life Living on Two Wheels, With Wings

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