Posts and Community

The Depth of The Dapper Duo

Looks can be deceiving. It is easy to judge anything, or anyone, by their appearance. Many of us have preconceived notions about, well, most anything! 

Women Empowering Women Event

Learn more about the recent: Women Empowering Women Event – BUSINESS WOMEN’S GROUP OF JEFFERSON COUNTY on:  ~ Thursday, January 30, 2025 ~ ** This

Historic Tanglefoot Association (HTA)

✨Are you someone who likes to be “in-the-know” and included? ✨Do you love hearing insider-information first? ✨Do you become energized when you are around other

A Season To Savor

In mid-December, many of us are feeling a bit overwhelmed. Bustling to-do, to-buy, to-get, to-make, to-wrap lists seem never ending. It is a bittersweet and

Anxiety Cannot Exist When…

Enjoy listening to this itty-bitty 6-minute podcast episode: Podcast Summary In this short and sweet solo podcast episode, Sara reflects on her experience with creativity

Feel Good at Frankie Gianino’s

This time of year, with the holiday season upon us, it can bring up many conflicting feelings, personal to each of us… …excitement, stress, optimism,

Carmelita Davidson’s Daily Dozen

A surprise tribute to the compassionate Carmelita Davidson! Since I have been intentional about having conversations with local leaders, one name kept coming up over

Just for today, I choose to FEEL:

 🙋🏼‍♀️💜🙏🏻Just for today, I choose to FEEL… In this solo conversation, I discuss my challenges of feeling overwhelmed in my daily life and I share

Friday Figuring

If you are trying to figure out what to do tonight, or this weekend, this is an itty-bitty, non-paid endorsement inviting you to figure out

Nicole: Find Your Voice 

In this vulnerable episode, local resident, Nicole Tucker Ingram, shares a tender glimpse through her journey of finding her own voice as a woman in

The Power of Intention and Positivity

Enjoy this Itty-Bitty Bit: Summary In this episode of Conversation Show, your host, Sara, shares her journey of embracing discomfort and personal growth. She

Sky Zone Saves The Day

When it is raining and when there is no school in Festus today and tomorrow, my daughter wanted to share her idea, in her words:

Midweek Motivator Email

I am excited about the opportunity to SHARE communication via email to CONNECT with you as we all SUPPORT OurFESTUS-area community. SUBSCRIBE to communication for

It’s Okay to be Nosy!

I’m excited to explain this new podcast thing!  It’s fun to be nosy and simply listen in here: However, if you want to be nosy

Introducing Conversations

Introducing Conversations:  is a Powerful (and Playful!) POD/WEBCAST! Perhaps you’re curious… How can I learn about what is going on around here? Who can

Main Street Twin City Trick-or-Treating

Our Twin City Trick-or-Treating Tradition  Traditions are nourishing, comforting, and can even be transformative.  Traditions are certain rituals and connections within a moment of time.


A teaser is short and sweet, leaving one salivating for more.  A teaser is a treat, a taste, an itty-bitty preview of what it is

Contributing Counts

Our family loves OurFESTUS-area community and loves our local community theater group: Spotlight Community Theatre…not only because of the opportunities on stage and behind the

Atlas Youth Outreach

Updated Prior to the October 18, 2024, Atlas Youth Outreach Hosted a Teen Trunk-or-Treat. Check out what it, and they, are all about: Teenagers are

2024 Main & Mill StreetFest

Main & Mill Brewing Company hosted StreetFest on October 12 & 13, 2024. Check out what it was all about: Graphics courtesy of the Main &

Feeling At Home

“Home is not a place, it’s a feeling.”  – Cecilia Aaron As someone who has lived in a lot of different cities, in a few

Asphalt Appreciation

LISTEN to THIS story on my NEW YouTUBE Channel…or keep reading:There is nothing like traveling outside of our local city, county, state, or country that

That Feisty Friday Feeling!

Do Fridays ever have you feeling a little feisty?🙋‍♂️ … Maybe even a little spicy? You know, that sassy energy that just makes you wanna

Ready or Not…Just START

“The key to success is to start before you’re ready.” Marie Forleo  Sometimes we are presented with an unexpected opportunity in life that is ready

Beetlejuice Beetlejuice at B&B

Bring on the pumpkin latte!!! Iced or hot, I will savor this kind of fall treat right about now! Spooky Halloween energy at this point

Marvelous Marie

I call her “Marvelous Marie.” I am referring to the marvelous local celebrity, Marie Stelling, Community Relations Director at Autumn Ridge Residences. There are multiple

SEARCH & Find!

I LOVE a good organizational system! In fact, to my embarrassment, my parents LOVE to tell people that I asked for a filing cabinet when

Fuel = Energy

This morning, I asked my 10-year-old son,  “What does fuel mean?” He said, “Anything that brings you energy.” I absolutely love this definition! There are

Beyond the Boat

We were a boating family. My childhood weekends, nestled between Memorial Day and Labor Day, were spent on our family’s 1972 Starcraft Holiday boat. With

An Attitude of Abundance

I have always associated the word/concept of abundance with the word/concept of enough. As in enough resources of something tangible such as money, food, shelter,

Treat Yo Self at Tokyo Hibachi

Have you ever gone into a restaurant hungry, wanting to eat EVERYTHING off the menu? You cannot decide on what to order! Do you want

De Soto Park Delivers

Ohh the summer temperatures are elevating again in OurFESTUS area! To elevate your outdoor adventures and COOL off, OurFAMILY recommends an itty-bitty drive to De

Mad Libs For Fulfillment

Sometimes we feel stagnant. Despite the busyness that consumes us, or the open space in our schedule, we feel empty. Even if we are always

Library Lovin’

Throughout this sweet summer, as my children and I are exploring and experiencing all there is to love in OurFESTUS area, we have intentional conversations

iCare Community Award

I am beyond honored to be the recipient of the RE/MAX Best Choice Missouri Real Estate iCare Award. Thank you to this incredible team! Here

Judgment-free Free Time

From age 9 to 17, it was extremely fortunate to be able to attend a weeklong summer camp at Pine Lake Camp in central Wisconsin.

Waiting With The Scribble Game

My teenage daughter, Audrey, is a very busy, active girl. She loves being ON THE GO… ALL.THE.TIME.  My 10-year-old son, Dayton, is active, but prefers

Newsies To Take The Contrarian Stage!

You are invited to the soft opening of The Contrarian, on our charming and historic Festus Main Street, this upcoming weekend! Spotlight Community Theatre’s youth

Soaking in Drops of Stillness

If you have on the GO…with events, festivities, activities, and gatherings…you may be feeling a little depleted, while feeling nourished and full at the same

Feeling into Freedom

The Fourth of July, as well as the holiday week/weekend, can conquer up an assortment of feelings, emotions, and energy. Perhaps we feel productive, relaxed,

Festus Firecracker Festival

YEA for this year’s Twin City Firecracker Festival in OurFESTUS! Our family always has a blast at this event! Check out our 2023 pictures and

Ooh La La at LaLa’s 

Ooh La La… Just saying those itty-bitty words and letting the luxurious sounds roll off your tongue create a fancy feeling of love and exquisite

Set Time Aside 

I love clocks. I have a clock in every room. Recently, one clock in my bathroom seemed to be getting louder and louder. I am

Receive All That Is Required

What if we didn’t need to feel any pressure on making “good” or “bad” choices?  What if everything worked out?  What if we received everything

Coffee Maker Clean Out

The other morning I woke up feeling tired, heavy, and achy. As I forced my eyes open, I thanked myself for setting my programmable coffee


This is the time of year where we are all READY to welcome in a little FUN…right!? ✨ There is so much FUN to be

Discovering the Beauty in the Ditch 

Within this Memorial Day weekend, many of us are traveling, which prompted a travel reflection… We travel on roads, literally and figuratively. Sometimes the street

The Gospel According to Gail

I honor, respect and love my mother, Gail, every day of the year; however, this Mother’s Day, I wanted pay a special tribute to her.

Why Invest In/Be On

Visibility/Advertising Advantages: offers a unique opportunity for local businesses in the Festus, Missouri area to connect with a vibrant community of residents and visitors

Your Story/Your Investment

Are you ready for YourSTORY to be in the MyFESTUS Support OurFESTUS Resource Guide? Here is how it works: When one is featured on,

The Intention Equation

Earlier this week, my son asked what the word “intention” meant. He said he thought it was a feeling that you have.  I concurred, and

Why Now is THE Time

Accept the opportunity to reserve your space and rate while we are offering low, introductory, invitation-only 2024 pricing. NOW is the time for you to

Precious Pogolino’s

Earlier this week, I posted about the Unbelievable Mystical Magic in The Mine at Bonne Terre. Reminiscing about this day brought me back to where

What is a MyFESTUS Friend?

When a person or establishment believes in our mission and chooses to invest and participate in the Support OurFESTUS Resource Guide, they become an

Do I Want to Become a MyFESTUS Friend?

Everything on goes beyond the surface level.  The “brand” is about the unveiling of the WHY/reason a business started, what they offer, and

About “MyFESTUS” is a platform that creates an opportunity for individuals, businesses, entrepreneurs, and non-profit organizations to be more visible by shining the light on what

SUPER Delicious Reviews

The “FOOD” category has been one of the most popular features on my website. Probably because we all like to eat!? And, because I have

Profit and Nonprofit Plans

Pick The Perfect Plan For YOU: Contact Us Facebook-f Instagram Linkedin X-twitter Envelope Proudly Connecting People & Creating Community One Story At A Time.

Tanglefoot Creamery ANNOUNCED NEW OWNERS!

NEW OWNERS FOR TANGLEFOOT CREAMERY ANNOUNCED! Yeeeaaaahhhh! How exciting that this business will continue on! May OurFESTUS-area community support these courageous and creative folks. Follow them

Reflective Reflections

Last week I wrote about Strong Outer Shells Covering Soft Inner Souls, as it relates to how we view others, especially when we perceive pain.

Ode to Dogwoods

I wrote and posted this last year on April 13, 2023. Today, exactly one year later, I am still reflecting on the beauty within OurFESTUS

10 out of 10 Adventures

My sweet son is turning 10 today! In honor of this special, double digit, golden milestone birthday, I wanted to share our top 10 favorite

 Four-Flavor Flight Fun 

Why choose one flavor of ice cream when you have full permission to choose FOUR flavors!?! That’s right…ice cream flights (among other amazing drinks, food,

That Was Easy

Do you remember those red buttons that Staples put out a few years ago? They sat on your desk and you would press it, and

Sweet Spring Break Suitcase

While I am staying in Festus, Missouri for this Spring Break, I associate this time of year with packing up to go on a trip.

Our Itty-Bitty Beliefs

We believe people connect with others who share similar beliefs. There is a MyFESTUS manifesto/set of beliefs firmly rooted within an itty-bitty initiative.  The “Itty-Bitty

Luck Vs. Labels 

Happy St. Patrick’s Day! Many of us associate this Irish holiday with an aspect of “luck.” Do you think you are lucky? Do you think

Indulge at Dairy Queen

As the sun shines and you feel the seasons shift, you can also feel a shift within your soul. It’s like, as the air freshens

What is the Mission?

The Mission is to: SHARE all there is to love about the fantastic Festus, Missouri area. CONNECT by providing a trusted, robust platform for

Love for the Leader

Growing up in a small, rural, agricultural community in Southwest Wisconsin in the 80’s and 90’s, our local weekly newspaper was our primary source of

What Does “MyFESTUS” Mean?

The name “My Festus” was not created with the word “My” to be synonymous with the author/writer/creator: Sara, but rather for people share a sense

Fuel with Fun

There is always time to fit in fun, and fuel. Something fun that I have been doing with my children, for years, is to incorporate

Nourish to Heal

We are always in a place of healing, in some aspect of our life.  We are always growing, changing, evolving, and transforming in different areas.

Elevated Love

Sending you a sweet, itty-bitty loving wish for you to love yourself a little more today.  Many of us take the holiday of Valentine’s Day

Reinventing Tuesdays 

Do you have a favorite day of the week?  How about a least-favorite day of the week? For the longest time, I loathed Tuesdays. I had

One Year In

✨This MyFESTUS website has been up and running for over a year now.✨ ✨Whoo hoo!✨ While there are even more stories about sharing, connecting, and


“What I am seeking seeks me.”  – Rumi    Within this new year, and within this new month, might we consider tuning into a new

Intentional Attention 

We are now one month into 2024.  If you set intentions to make changes in 2024, how is it going? How are you feeling? Whether

Working To Be Worthy

When we believe we are worthy of goodness in our life, good things happen.  I was recently talking with my 12-year-old daughter, Audrey, about this

Letting Go to Get

Last week I shared reflections on refocusing energy to build the new. I love this, AND, I also hold space for removing and releasing the

Bandwidth to Build

“The secret of change is to focus all of your energy, not on fighting the old but on building the new.”  Socrates   I love

Generational Curiosity

Ready or not, the holidays are here. Many of us are blessed with an opportunity to be around others to socially engage. Sometimes, we get


In our culture, Santa is often associated with an excitement for the unknown and belief in what seems impossible. When we are itty-bitty, within the


Are you a fan of LEGO bricks? As a kid, and even as an adult, I have found myself entertained by skillfully creating my own

Break Out of a Boxed In Escape Room

MTV…the “Music” television network influenced the lives of at least three generations of teenagers and young adults. Most Gen X-ers, Millennials, and Gen Z-er’s are

Facing the Façade

A couple months ago, I was working in our garage with the large overhead door open. I heard a frantic buzzing and tapping sound. I

RE-Post On Our Local Post Offices

I love staying connected by exchanging Christmas cards.  There is something charming and exhilarating about this old-fashioned way to stay in touch. Reconnecting in this

Uplevel Your Gratitude

Many of us are unwinding after a holiday where we expressed what and who we are grateful for. This is such a fulfilling practice anytime

Itty-Bitty Miracles 

As we look ahead to this upcoming Thanksgiving holiday week and weekend, many of us take time out to express our thankfulness.  This can be

Grateful Gizmo

As I was transitioning my home decor to say goodbye to Halloween, and say hello to my warm and cozy fall decorations last weekend, Gizmo

Be Still in Boredom

“Mommy, I am bored!” How many of us have heard this from our itty-bitty little one before!? Even if you are not a parent, perhaps

Happy Halloween from 1988!

🎃😁🧡Happy Halloween from 1988! This is 4-year old me, loving my carved pumpkin, rocking my “Dog the Bounty Hunter” mullet next to my older brother,

A Toxic Relationship With Time

Time has shown up like a toxic relationship in my life. I have experienced a roller coaster, love/hate relationship with time.  Whether I have wished

Acquiring Space

Acorns aplenty! Our neighborhood squirrels are loving this abundant time of year.  Like any nut/fruit producing tree, the oak tree must release the mature acorns,

The Itty Bitty Pebbles

Imagine you are outside walking with another, or maybe within a group. Have you ever had a teeny, tiny, itty-bitty little rock, pebble, stone, stick,

Now is YOUR Time to SHINE!

WHOO-HOO! Congratulations on taking the next step to be more visible to invite people in to learn more about who you are, what you do

Festive Fall Feelings

Ever since I was a young girl, I loved seasonal changes of decorative elements within my sweet little room in our sweet little home in

✨ is NOW on ✨LinkedIn✨

✨ is now on ✨LinkedIn✨ Please find me & follow me. This is just another itty-bitty way I can share, connect & support our

Five Finger Breaths

When my children are overwhelmed, anxious, fearful, or nervous, we take a moment out to practice a quick, easy, and fun calming exercise to relax

Dawn Peery, Precise in the Details 

The impressive thing about humanity is how varied each of us are within our skills, talents, abilities, and personality types. All humans are created differently.

The Seventy-Year-Old Sage

Happy 70th birthday to my wise, logical, deep thinking, and problem-solving father.  Seven has always been my dad’s favorite number. Going into his seventh decade

Share, Connect, and Support

There is power in sharing, connecting and supporting each other to enhance so many aspects of our life. 💪🏼 By sharing and uniting to celebrate our itty-bitty

Allowing Absorption

This holiday weekend is often filled with many opportunities to connect with friends and family members through conversations. As you engage in this back and

A Relaxing Date Night to Replicate

☝️🍣 🍱  Sweet and savory sushi at Kasabi Japanese Steak, Sushi & Ramen …followed by… ✌️🎶🍹A chill acoustic set by Elliot Pearson [@thepassinglanestl], accompanied by

Interrupt the Impulse

“Practice the Pause”…many say this lately. Have you heard of it? It is taking a moment and a deep breath when we find ourselves amidst

Simplicity of Connection

As it starts, and as it ends, it all comes down to all of us needing/wanting/craving two things out of this life: – to feel

Treasured Time vs. Tasks

We are in the middle of summer, or at least the middle of a traditional three-month summer break for those who are in school during

Dairy Queen Ice Cream Cakes

I was born in 1984. That was the same year that President Ronald Reagan proclaimed the month of July as National Ice Cream month. While

Collective Community Healing Energy

There is healing power in anything. From observing itty-bitty elements in nature to reading a book to shifting a thought pattern to sharing emotions with

The Ridges of Our Identity

We are all so unique in this world. Every single person and creature is different. We all have ridges and fingerprints within a distinct form

Caregiver Appreciation

I am aware that there are often no “weekend or holiday relief” when you give your time and energy as a caregiver, in any capacity,

Positive Paradise in Festus, MO

Yesterday was the last day of summer school for Festus students. I am grateful for the entire Festus R-VI School District who cultivated a fun,

Brave Convenience 

I love to talk about “words of the day” with my children. Sometimes I pick a word/theme that we talk about each morning and sometimes

Twin City Area Optimist Club

Some words, phrases and concepts just speak to me. I was originally invited to attend a Twin City Area Optimist Club meeting to learn more

Trusting Turtles

The turtles in Festus, Missouri are out. You have likely observed them basking in the heat and sun, out on the roads and sidewalks. Unaware,

Secret Signs

Do you believe in signs? Something grabs you to steal your attention, even for a split, itty-bitty second. Arbitrary objects or a random thought, followed

ABC’s of Festus Love

Our family completed this fun activity on a break from school and I wanted to share:While school is not in session, our family explored our

Circle Size Comparison

With the start of the sixth calendar month in 2023, we are about halfway through the year. It can be a time when goals are


Today is the last day of school for many Festus students. Other local schools have already had their final day and so many are graduating

Precious Peonies

“I equate peonies with love because they’re the first blooms of summer.” – Isaac Mizrahi Peonies are a vibrant flower with a beautifully abundant blossom.

Balance Redefined

We all know how beneficial and beautiful balance is in our life. A new concept has challenged my idea of balance. I have always tried

Tracking the Transformation

At the start of 2022, I started a “five-year journal.” I write one sentence summarizing the happenings of each day. As I record daily in

For the Love of Music

Last night was an evening full of pride, honoring a school year of commitment and teamwork. Festus Intermediate music students had the opportunity to showcase

Grateful for the Glitch

I had a long “To-Do List” this weekend, fully expecting to check off each itty-bitty task. The “task master/controller” part of me likes everything to

Festus Youth Soccer Camp

Festus Soccer will be hosting another Festus Youth Soccer Camp this year from May 30 – June 1. My children have loved this short and

 Vincent van Gogh

Vincent van Gogh was a painter born in the Netherlands in 1853. He is famous for his bold paintings that evoke a range of moods

Heed to the Need

“For philosophy doesn’t consist in outward display, but in taking heed to what is needed and being mindful of it.”   – MUSONIUS RUFUS Sometimes

Who Created

At the end of 2022, I challenged myself to tap into my creative writing while connecting with the Festus, Missouri community. I have a genuine

What if Nothing is Wrong?

Many of our brains tend to focus on the “what if’s” or the worst-case-scenarios for future outcomes. If this sounds like you, I invite you

Wild Card

If you have ever played the card game, Uno, you know how much power lies within a wild card. The player who lays this colorful

The Festus Public Library

With your personality, do you identify as someone who knows what you want and need? Or, do you find yourself more curious and open to


“A smile is a curve that sets everything straight.” – Phyllis Diller     Did you know that when we smile…when we intentionally curve the

Wisdom Rings

The powerful recent storm knocked down so many trees in the Festus, MO area. I mourn some of my favorite neighborhood trees, now lonely stumps.

The Puzzling Paradox of a Storm

When a community is hit with a storm, like what the Festus, Missouri area experienced this last weekend, an ironic dynamic between a break and

The Taxes We Pay

Government taxes are not the only taxes we pay. I heard a parable a while back and the story has stayed with me…it goes something

Find the Pony

I recently drove by a lovely local farm outside of Festus, MO and stopped to admire the gentle horses and curious donkey. These beautiful creatures

Space for a Festus Artist

Today is my son’s ninth birthday. He received a Mario Brothers sketchbook and colorful erasable gel pens this morning. The sketchbook is blank, each page

Easter Reimagined 

Holidays hit everyone differently.  If you find yourself longing for people, interactions, environments and/or traditions of the past, I feel you.  It is natural to

Word of the Day: Fleeting

“Sunsets, like childhood, are viewed with wonder not just because they are beautiful but because they are fleeting.” – The Gift, Richard Paul Evans fleet·ing:

Three Components to Self-Compassion

Like any aspect of personal development, there are layers to learning. I have been studying three different aspects to self-compassion: Sweet self-talk. Being gentle with

Which Team Were You On?

Our childhood experiences and choices shape and mold much of the identity we have today. While I believe in the power of change, there are


There is a specific light and airy freedom that comes when we fully surrender to allow our actions to align with who we really want

This, too, Shall Pass

After taking an intentional 14-day spring break from my life’s routines and social media, I reflect on many extreme highs and lows. I summarize the

Festus Main Street Fun

Our community is so fortunate to have such excellent, entertaining establishments! So many smiles at my daughter’s friends’ 12-year-old birthday party with sweet treats at

Time for “My Festus”

As a follow-up to my March 4, 2023 post on exploring and identifying a “Service Fulfillment Formula,” I wanted to shine light on my thoughts

Beauty in Buffer Building

I have come to the realization that I have lived the majority of my adult life in a mental state similar to the intense velocity

Phenological Observations

Treasure hunts are fun at any age. Hidden objects for us to find evoke feelings of hopeful anticipation and positive exhilaration within our souls. One

Word of the Day: Pivot

This morning, as I was drinking my coffee and looking out my kitchen window, I saw the most beautiful, pastel pink streaks in the sky.


“Some old-fashioned things like fresh air and sunshine are hard to beat.” – LAURA INGALLS WILDER Wishing you some itty-bitty moments outside to replenish your


“A happy life is not built upon the goal of perfection, but on balance.” @aquamaryna This quote resonates with me as I focus more on

Dairy Queen in Herculaneum, MO

Yesterday was my daughter’s 12th birthday! She chose a birthday dinner from the Herculaneum Dairy Queen (DQ) on our way to her dance class last


There is an energy surge most of us associate with the word “new.” Today welcomes many new unfoldings:  a new day a new week  a


Perhaps it is my stubborn German heritage or maybe I have a subconscious inferiority complex, but I have recognized a pattern of resisting help. It

Taytro’s Bar & Bistro

Taytro’s Bar and Bistro is truly a triple threat for one’s dining experience as they offer: – Tasty, scrumptious food and delectable drinks – Tremendous,


Being a transplant resident in Festus, Missouri, many ask WHY I am promoting living and loving life in the Festus area? Having lived in many