There is healing power in anything. From observing itty-bitty elements in nature to reading a book to shifting a thought pattern to sharing emotions with others. Healing energy is something we can absorb AND deliver. We can seek out and provide healing within any community. Simply being together is a source of healing. We heal when we are connected.Someone is always healthier (physically, mentally, emotionally or spiritually) on any given day. If we can move from our isolation and struggle to lean in and allow ourselves to absorb another healthy energy, we can heal on the level we need, when we need it. This connection allows us to feel better. When we feel better, we are able to give out our healing energy to others.
It is a magnificent cycle to receive, heal and return.
I encourage you to tune into your levels of health and healing.
I invite you to lean into our compassionate Festus-area community to bask in the glow of others to absorb their energy. Feel the rejuvenation.
Might you be in a place where you can show up and shine for others?
All energy helps to collectively heal in our community.
“Seek healing, a refilling of energy and spirit, as soon as you see that you need it.
You don’t have to push yourself to give, do, or perform when what your body, mind, soul and emotions need is to heal.”
– Melody Beattie
The pictures are of deer communities around my Festus, MO neighborhood.
Here is another writing about heeding to our needs: