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Discovering the Beauty in the Ditch 

Festus, MO

Within this Memorial Day weekend, many of us are traveling, which prompted a travel reflection…

We travel on roads, literally and figuratively. Sometimes the street or walkway is clean and clear. We are moving along, enjoying the ride. Sometimes we have a specific destination, and other times, we are just going from place to place, moving and grooving without an itty-bitty worry in the world on our paved path. We are living this life, easily navigating where we are going.

Sometimes, though, we find ourself in the ditch. Perhaps something unexpectedly jumps in front of us. We swerve so we don’t hit it. We are scared. We are off the path, stuck or unable to move out of the ditch.

Maybe we are so distracted with other elements that consume our brain, we completely miss the yield sign and crash into the ditch.

Perhaps we are just tired and we subconsciously drift into the ditch.

Being in the ditch could be a subtle feeling of being off-kilter or it can be a wake up call. Regardless of the reasoning behind why we moved off the road, there is often a lesson to be learned.

Maybe it is in the form of awareness to now take revised actions to stay on the path.

Sometimes we have a perspective shift and feel grateful for the unexpected roadblock that created a more scenic detour.Beauty can be found growing within the ditches along the side of the roads we are coasting on. Traveling in the ditch, and navigating our way out, may not be part of the plan, but we can choose to find the beauty that grows out of the dirt.

I invite you to be curious about when/how you may have traveled into the ditch.

Can you hold space for self-compassion and discover the beauty from the ditch? If you are in the ditch now, can you ask for help?

OurFESTUS-area community is here to lend you a hand and get you back on track again.

The photos are of some roadside beauties growing in Festus, Missouri.

As always, your reflections are welcome within the comments on social media.

Also, thank you for helping to share this link to spread a new perspective and give someone hope.

More thoughts on perspectives:

Find the Pony

Learn about a lovely local pair who can help you regain your balance after being off-track/in the ditch:

Balanced Wellness in Crystal City, MO

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