Elevated Love

Valentine's Day 2024

Sending you a sweet, itty-bitty loving wish for you to love yourself a little more today. 

Many of us take the holiday of Valentine’s Day to think about the love we have for others. 

I love this, and I also invite you to think about all the characteristics you love about your fabulous self. 

Our sneaky self-shaming is often an unnoticed, negative chatter within us. Perhaps, just for today, let’s quiet that chatter and elevate a genuine love for all of you.

Really, love all that you have gone through and all that you are going through, as you love WHO you are now, and who you are becoming. 

You have elevated through difficult times and you will continue to elevate. 

If you are going to elevate anyway, it feels sweeter to elevate ourselves with genuine love. 

Wishing you the most elevated, lovely day.

Thank you for sharing this to elevate love within another.

P.S. We can take this elevated self-love thing one day at a time, beyond the “holiday.” These genuinely-loving days really add up.

P.P.S. If you are feeling some elevated bravery, please add your favorite characteristic about your fabulous self in the comments on social media. Just click on the icons on the top right header.

P.P.S.S. My children and I love starting each day by picking out an itty-bitty fortune. These are easy to create on your own, too. 

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