Festive Fall Feelings

Evita feeling festive in Fall of 2023

Ever since I was a young girl, I loved seasonal changes of decorative elements within my sweet little room in our sweet little home in southwest Wisconsin.

Now, as an adult living in a sweet little city in eastern Missouri, this time of year reminds me of the eager young girl who was so excited about the change of seasons. 

There is something about creating space for festive items that increases a positive, uplifting energy within me. 

My children love to help with the change over of home elements.

We excitedly dive into our “Fall and Halloween” boxes from the attic to discover what is wrapped up and buried inside. We creatively set out amusing, silly, spooky, and scary items that we lovingly admire for a short timeframe within the year. 

While I once thought it was the festive ghosts, witches, and pumpkins that held the power to increase my positive energy, I now realize the energizing power is held within me, and my association to an entertaining and transformative itty-bitty season. Perhaps because there is a bittersweet connection between a tender goodbye paired with a hopeful hello.

May you take moments out to savor the sweet and transitional energy that this season and, perhaps your home decor, brings to you.

This is a non-paid endorsement, encouraging you to find an itty-bitty “something” that makes you feel festive and smile this fall. It is a short season to relish in, after all.

Do you have any pictures to share of your fall/Halloween decor? 

Please add them to spark some festive fall feelings in the comments on social media through:

Facebook: MyFestus.com

Instagram: my_festus


Another post about transitions:


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