Festus Youth Soccer Camp

Soccer Camp in Festus, MO

Festus Soccer will be hosting another Festus Youth Soccer Camp this year from May 30 – June 1. My children have loved this short and sweet, fun and interactive 3-day, evening camp for the last couple of years. My son is signed up to go again this year.

I have been impressed with the team of folks who collaborate to patiently  work with itty-bitty kiddos (as young as those going into 1st grade) and older kiddos (those going into 9th grade). There is positive encouragement and learning at every station/game played. Oh, and snacks, too!

Sign up by Monday, May 8th for a Festus Soccer T-shirt!

This is a non-paid endorsement inviting participation in the Festus Youth Soccer Camp this year.

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