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For the Love of Music

Festus Music Student

Last night was an evening full of pride, honoring a school year of commitment and teamwork. Festus Intermediate music students had the opportunity to showcase their accomplishments in learning new skills in reading, playing and performing music.

In turn, family and community members had an opportunity to enjoy two entertaining concerts, admiring the courage and progress of students in 6th Grade Band and 5th & 6th Grade Honor Choir.

Students beamed as they confidently played their instruments and enthusiastically sang their sweet, itty-bitty hearts out. Audience members delighted in the sounds while also enjoying all of the comfort, functionality and aesthetics of the stunning new Festus R-VI Performing Arts Center. Everyone also adored artwork from many Festus students, on a digital display and with large 3D sculptures throughout the Festus R-VI Performing Arts Center.Mr. Lorenz, Mr. Rhine, and their helpful team, influence young minds with their fun energy and passion for music, laying a solid foundation for students to love and appreciate music for the rest of their life.

I am grateful for each person who works within the Festus R-VI School District. Their time, energy and efforts positively impact our students, and our community, with each educational experience. The Festus R-VI School District website has many of their concerts and events on their website, as a livestream and as recorded video.

This is a non-paid endorsement, inviting you to support local music and art programs in our community. I honor and thank all of the music and art educators in our world. Your encouragement awakens authentic creativity for all ages.

Festus R-VI School District

Festus R-VI Performing Arts Center

501 Westwind Drive, Festus, MO 63028

The Festus School District is so impressive. More appreciation with my son:

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