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Fuel with Fun


There is always time to fit in fun, and fuel.

Something fun that I have been doing with my children, for years, is to incorporate a fulfilling message to them at a meal.

This is a fun way to add extra fuel for their mind as they are fueling their bodies.

I keep it super simple, adding itty-bitty inspiration into their day.

I write out a positive note or encouraging message onto their plates or napkins, or sometimes I will sneak something into their lunch or backpack.

Writing these notes is a fun surprise for them. What is mom going to write today? 

Thinking of something different each day fuels me just as much as I hope it fuels them. I have created a daily habit, an opportunity to invite in a moment to be creative.

Within my creativity, I focus on what I want their formative brains to remember. Often this serves as an itty-bitty reminder for me, on what I need to focus on, as well. 

I try to create fun fuel for their internal world. I focus on how to help build and solidify an identity that is rooted in strength, perseverance, compassion, confidence, courage, curiosity, and love. 

I ask myself, what is a simple reminder that could serve as a daily mantra for how we could all choose to feel and show up today?

I believe there is power (and fun!) within inspirational itty-bitty messages that can continually fuel our identity.

This is a non-paid endorsement inviting you to remember your brain as you fuel your body.

Whether you are preparing fuel, such as a plate for yourself, or someone else (at any age), there is always time to fit in fun, and fuel, for your mind, body, and soul.

Please share and connect on social media. How do you incorporate itty-bitty inspiration into your day – for yourself or others?

Your courage to share is a fun way to invite others to connect. This supports and fuels all of our souls.

More itty-bitty inspirational messages:

Working To Be Worthy

Learn about a local, inspiring, relatable mother who is “doing all the things”:

Haley Spencer, Highly and Super Relatable in Many Roles

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