Happy Halloween from 1988!

Halloween 1988

🎃😁🧡Happy Halloween from 1988!

This is 4-year old me, loving my carved pumpkin, rocking my “Dog the Bounty Hunter” mullet next to my older brother, Ryan Sommerfeld. We were at our “little” grandparents home/farm in Gilmanton, Wisconsin. 

Ryan and I were just talking today, reflecting on how transformative 2023 has been for each of us. 

While today is holiday for many of us to transform into someone else, or put a mask on, it is amazing what can happen when you consistently show up without trying to pretend or wear a mask that does not feel right.

I am blessed to have a personal and professional relationship with my brother, without pretending to be someone I am not. We have intentionally carved time out of our busy schedules to talk each week. Our conversations are really invigorating for each of us. 

This is an itty-bitty, non-paid endorsement, encouraging you to carve out time to find, and/or stay in touch with people who you can authentically share what you are REALLY thinking about, connect with them in a real way, and support one other, while really respecting where they are at on their journey. 

Ryan has been supportive of every step of my journey, since I first talked to him about craving more connection with the Festus-area community. He is also the technical talent behind the MyFestus.com website. It is incredibly energizing to work with him on so many exciting projects to wrap up 2023, and carry forward into 2024. 

Wishing you a fun, silly, spooky, WARM, and safe Halloween!🎃

P.S. Please, please add on social media – any and all mullet pictures of yourself, or someone you know, from the 80’s or 90’s to prove to my children how cool I REALLY was back then…and how we all started the mullet trend! 🙌😝😅

Lots of throwback pictures on a variety of different posts throughout this website, in case you need some hair inspiration.🎃😁🧡

More on my bro:

Meet Ryan, the Technical Talent Behind MyFESTUS.com

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