Heather Gerner, Helping Give Time Back

Heather Gerner in Festus, MO

Time is our most valuable and least renewable resource. Identifying how we spend our time, as it relates to our real priorities, helps to put everything into perspective.

Regardless if you prioritize a creative endeavor, work, family, friends, self care, charitable events, your pet, spirituality, or learning something new, putting your time and energy into your priorities, compared to spending time on tasks that do not directly impact your priorities (such as cleaning your house) can help you regain your sense of focus and purpose in your life. 

As we take time out to analyze our time and prioritizes, we can also be curious to ask:

  • Am I allowing myself to be supported?
  • Is there a way to release the need/sense of having to do it all, all by myself?
  • What would it mean to have more time to ____________?
  • How would I feel to release  ______ so that I can do ________ …to have more space and freedom to grow in an area I prioritize?

Hillsboro resident, Heather Gerner, is helping other local residents and businesses fill in their priority blanks by helping to give them precious time back.

Heather is the owner of St. Louis Sparkle Clean. She is passionate in her service of residential, commercial and construction cleaning, serving all of Jefferson County. Heather and her small team prioritize quality with their work. They help with move–ins and outs, long term rentals, deep cleans, maintenance/regular cleaning, and more, always using all-natural products.

Heather can typically provide a quote over the phone and can do a meet and greet before a service, if desired. Heather and her team also prioritize people, relationships and trustworthiness. They are licensed, bonded and insured, ensuring you smile with how they make your sanctuary sparkle. 

Heather is sparkling all over the Festus area, optimistically meeting new people and learning about our local area. Having lived in the Saint Louis area most of her life, she recently transplanted here about three years ago. She and I connected on being newbies and shared our collective enthusiasm to support all aspects of our local community, and our desire to develop relationships within our discoveries.

Heather loves helping people to discover how she can help give time back, even if it is in an itty-bitty monthly cleaning session. She believes in the investment of oneself and said,

“Sometimes you need to pay other people to do the things you don’t want to do so you have more time to do what you want to do.”

Heather’s purpose is fulfilled when she helps people fulfill their purpose. Heather gives us more of what we say we want and need: TIME.

Imagine how it would feel to have the time you want and need, along with space and freedom to be fully supported. 

“The key is not to prioritize what’s on your schedule, but to schedule your priorities.”

  • Stephen Covey


Scheduling our priorities does not start with a certain age or milestone in our life.

It starts when we make an intentional choice to give ourselves permission to allow support to help us to experience the life we want. 

This is a non-paid endorsement encouraging you to add Heather to your support team so you can have the time and ability to schedule your priorities.

St. Louis Sparkle Clean

Ask Heather about 10% off your first cleaning and vet/senior discounts! 

Call or text: 314-518-0672


Check out Heather’s amazing before and afters:

More reflections on time:

Treasured Time vs. Tasks


Heather and I have had fun meeting up and talking at local coffee shops:

On the Grind Coffee Company in Crystal City, MO

The Corner Cup Micro Bakery in Festus, MO


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