Our Itty-Bitty Beliefs

Berries in Festus, Missouri

We believe people connect with others who share similar beliefs.

There is a MyFESTUS manifesto/set of beliefs firmly rooted within an itty-bitty initiative. 

The “Itty-Bitty Initiative” inspires people to make itty-bitty changes for a big impact. 

This small, but mighty, mission is the driving force behind the creation of MyFESTUS.com.

We believe when our beliefs and values align with our thoughts and actions, it creates an internal purpose to live a fulfilling life we love. 

Here are our Itty Bitty Beliefs:

We all want to feel a sense of belonging in our lives: within ourselves, our family, and within our community. 

We believe we each are living different chapters within our lives. Our attention and what we focus on varies depending on the chapter of life we are living in. This awareness generates grace and compassion for ourselves, and respect for others.

We believe in fresh starts and finding inspiration from a variety of sources. We believe that itty-bitty changes in one’s thoughts and actions can shift their perspective of how they view themselves, others, and the circumstances in their world. 

We believe in the power of creativity, and that each person has an energy source within them. Every individual is distinct in who they are and what gift they have to offer this world. Each person is an educator and an innovator in their own right. Everyone develops itty-bitty nuggets of wisdom within each chapter of life they live.

We believe in the power of genuine connections and building lasting, authentic relationships. We believe this is achieved by asking thought-provoking questions and intentionally listening to learn from others AND being vulnerable enough to bond. There is power in connecting and collaborating to develop trust. 

When one feels trust within the people around, they feel comfortable and confident to speak up, stand up, and feel super proud that their itty-bitty, unique contribution makes a big difference within their community. 

We believe that community is something we create.

By sharing our own beliefs and gifts, connecting with depth, and offering support in our own authentic way, we have the power to cultivate an impactful community.

Within an impactful, supportive, and thriving community, we genuinely feel a sense of belonging, which is often the itty-bitty thing that makes us feel most loved.

It is within the way we connect through our collaborations that we create the culture within our community.

I chose images of these colorful itty-bitty berries to pair with our beliefs. Like berries, we are each unique in our own right. Berries naturally grow for the sake of growing and being amazing at what they were created to BE.

They are berries, regardless if anyone sees or enjoys them. If they are able to be savored by others, it is a win-win! They love being berry-beautiful, no matter what.

Might we all embrace the internal beauty we were born with, regardless of external validation. If we are able to share this beauty to help others in our own unique way, it is a win-win. May you love being your beautiful self, no matter what.

We believe each person is a winner. Learn more about individuality within an identity:

The Ridges of Our Identity

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