Itty-Bitty Miracles 

Festus, MO nature

As we look ahead to this upcoming Thanksgiving holiday week and weekend, many of us take time out to express our thankfulness. 

This can be easy to do when everything is flowing in a loving way where life feels light, balanced, and peaceful. 

However, when life feels massively challenging, thick, and heavy, practicing thankfulness does not always flow in and out so easily.

When life feels too uncomfortably big and overwhelming, I invite you to focus on the small elements within this life.

One way to do this is to take just a moment out to witness the itty-bitty, beautiful, and intricate aspects within nature. Observing the most minuscule miracles can calm our minds and help our souls feel more connected within our big world. 

When we feel a sense of connection, in alignment with nature and the world around us, it is as if the universe soothes us with a warm and comforting hug, reassuring us that everything will be okay. 

Witnessing the itty-bitty details within nature can also remind us that miracles ARE present everyday. This reminder can invite us to have hope when we need it most.

“There are only two ways to live your life.

One is as though nothing is a miracle.

The other is as though everything is a miracle.”


This is an itty-bitty, non-paid endorsement inviting you to step back from the big and tune into the small.

May you align and connect with the most itty-bitty, miraculous nuggets within your big life. 

Sending you warm hugs as you honor this Thanksgiving holiday in any way that aligns with the size and season of your life right now.

As always, thank you for sharing this link with someone who may be feeling overwhelmed within their big life right now.

These images, capturing itty-bitty miracles, were all found within my Festus, Missouri neighborhood this fall.

Nature can be very healing:


In our family, when we are feeling stressed or anxious, sometimes it can help to remember what we can appreciate right here and right now:

Five Finger Breaths



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