April is a significant month if you are one who likes to measure time and achievements by calendar months and quarters. April starts the second quarter of the annual year.
Even if you are not someone who likes to monitor success on a schedule, monitoring your “middle” between where you are and where you would like to be matters for your momentum.
Identifying and recognizing the shifts in your thoughts and behaviors creates awareness of progress. We feel frustration when we are flat and where there is a disconnect between were we are and where we want to be.
This can be turned around when we become intentional with those itty-bitty bites that move us forward. Tangible or intangible, daily or weekly…you define movement on your journey. Pride comes from the progress you make.
When you monitor and measure what matters most to you, you may find more momentum along the way.
How do you monitor/track/measure your progress?
Apps, pictures, journal, calendar, tuning-in, talking to others?
We would love to learn what has/is currently working for you.
Bonus share…what goal(s) are you working on in this second quarter of 2023?