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Nothing Artificial about Daily Flavors in Festus, MO

Daily Flavors in Festus, MO

Food, and how we nourish our body, is a starting point for so much more. When we can be real about what we need for actual fuel, without anything artificial, we can begin to take care of our self. When we prioritize our requirements to say no to all of the artificial things that mask or cloud genuine fuel, we create the bandwidth to really be able to help others, without the artificial side effects.

The owner of Daily Flavors, Ashlee Mattingly, knows all too well about the side effects of artificial, unneeded elements within one’s food and fuel. Having gluten allergies, herself, for the last ten years, she has spent the last decade learning how to properly nourish herself. With an insider advantage of her husband working at Whole Foods for 15 years, she had an opportunity to taste and test a variety of gluten-free products with different cooking and baking recipes. After a near death experience, when giving birth to her sixth child only a year ago, Ashlee quickly became dairy-free to feed her sensitive, itty-bitty and growing newborn. This was a critical time for her to care for herself with proper, artificial-free fuel in order to have the health, healing and energy to also care for her family.

It was within the struggles of her five-month hospital stay, and thereafter, that Ashlee explored where she could find healthy and nutritious dairy and gluten-free food options within our local community. She was coming up very empty-handed. She researched to learn that so many other people were in a similar situation to her, craving more local options for fresh gluten and dairy-free food to dine out or purchase products for their home.

This created a mission for her to open Daily Flavors, first in Perryville, MO, and now on our historic and charming Festus Main Street. She and her team opened on June 1, 2023 and offer specialized, non-perishable and fresh products and food. Within her clean space, decorated with art from local artists, there is a smaller grocery store with a variety of healthy items, supplements and refrigerated options for drinks and premade entrées and snacks. At the counter, you will find homemade bakery treats and a friendly team ready to prepare custom smoothies, salads, bowls, wraps and pizza, all free from anything artificial.

People can call their order in to schedule a time to pick up from the store front or from the back of the building with a curbside pick-up. People can also have their items conveniently delivered to their door via DoorDash. I invite you to take time out to enjoy your drink or meal within the comforting environment that Ashlee has created.

With an eclectic mix of furniture styles, including a floral couch, wing back chairs and colorful tables and chairs, Ashlee was intentional to design the space similar to how an old-school Grandma might design her home. Ashlee wants visitors to feel at-ease and relaxed to absorb the artificial-free fuel that she cooks and creates from scratch, in the same way Grandma did.

I commend Ashlee on following her authentic path to create something genuinely artificial-free and unique to our community. After you engage with Ashlee, you will also find that there is nothing artificial about her, either. She is eager to learn about how she can help you and your family with allergy sensitivities. She is open to suggestions on what she can offer with her fresh creations and product inventory. Ashlee hopes to seek out real solutions for what people, of all ages, need for their optimal health and nourishment.

May we all support Ashlee, and the many courageous local entrepreneurs, who are stepping up to help all of us. Perhaps this starts from being aware of what is needed to have the proper fuel to help others. Thanks to Daily Flavors, we now have a starting point to nourish ourselves without the mask of anything artificial.

This is a non-paid endorsement, encouraging you to check out the realness within Daily Flavors and interact with Ashlee and her team.

Daily Flavors – Festus

34 E. Main Street Festus, MO


Instagram: daily_flavors_festus

Ashlee and Sara at the Jefferson County Growth Association networking event in June, 2023.

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