We are always in a place of healing, in some aspect of our life.
We are always growing, changing, evolving, and transforming in different areas.
Whether it is within our soul, in our profession, how we interact with others, or within our actual physical bodies…
We are healing on any given day.
True healing, true transformation of change can be exhausting.
When you are working to transform an element with your deepest identity of your mind, body, and/or in your soul, I believe you are detoxing and shedding one aspect of who you are.
I believe you are letting go of a thought or a belief, or an actual thing, or an ailment, in order to make space for what it is you are inviting in.
You are releasing in order to allow.
While often exciting, this work can also be tiring.
When we are actively healing, when we are actively transforming, it is important to take specific time out to nourish ourselves.
Nourishment starts by taking an itty-bitty moment out to tune into what we need.
Perhaps it’s a giant glass of water?
Perhaps a nap?
Perhaps it’s time to be quiet with yourself?
Perhaps it’s time to dance to your favorite music?
Perhaps a walk?
Perhaps a talk?
You will know what you need, somehow. Somehow it will be communicated to you.
Nourishment is needed in order to fully and truly heal, change, and transform.
What do you need for nourishment along your healing journey?
This is a non-paid endorsement, wishing you an opportunity to nourish as you heal.
These pictures are of my maternal grandfather, Robert, taken in the mid-1930’s.
While he was born and raised in Milwaukee, Wisconsin, my mother guesses many of these photos were taken in Lodi, Wisconsin, where he used to hunt with his uncle Ed.
While my grandfather is not alive for me to ask him if he was healing during any of these moments, it reminds me of the simple ways we can nourish ourselves…to be outdoors, to practice a hobby, to be around animals, to get dressed-up…to simply smile…
As I was always emotionally nourished with time with my grandfather, I hope these images, paired with my message, inspire you to discover a simple way to nourish yourself.
Another reflection on this concept:
More memories of my grandparents:
A local place you can heal with a horse, or two:
Rusted Spur Stables – A Sanctuary to Reset, Restore, and Recharge