RE-Post On Our Local Post Offices

Herculaneum, MO Post Office

I love staying connected by exchanging Christmas cards. 

There is something charming and exhilarating about this old-fashioned way to stay in touch. Reconnecting in this annual way cultivates a tangible sensation, despite loved ones being out of my physical reach.

Reaching into my mailbox to explore what is inside creates a nostalgic, eager energy within my soul. Opening the letters warms me up, despite the chilly weather.

This year, I am feeling especially nostalgic as I reflect on a full year of my “MyFESTUS” journey, which started publicly in early December of 2022.

On this exact weekend one year ago, I was busy preparing to send out our family Christmas cards to loved ones near and far.

As a way to share my love for our loving community, I shared my 8th-ever social media post to the world about our local Festus-area Post Offices. Today, I re-post this simple, yet helpful post as it is relevant again this year:

My three favorite Festus-area Post Offices™ where I often frequent for mailing packages and buying fun stamps are:


HERCULANEUM — Post Office™


HERCULANEUM, MO 63048-9998


MAPAVILLE — Post Office™


MAPAVILLE, MO 63065-9998


FESTUS — Post Office™


FESTUS, MO 63028-9998


You can find more area-Post Offices™, and details of their hours/services, at

This is a non-paid endorsement, giving an itty-bitty shout out to our local establishments, encouraging you to support the people who live and work here, while you stay in touch with those who live and work elsewhere.

Happy Connecting!


P.S. Thank you for following me on this exploratory journey. I am having a ball connecting with the incredible people and places within our community. 

P.P.S. I would love to create that exhilarating feeling for you, as you reach into your mailbox. I would be honored to send you a Christmas card!

Please reach out to me by contacting me through the form on this website, or via a social media direct/private message. Simply let me know what resonates with you and where I should send your card. I look forward to connecting with you.

Shout out to Amy at the Mapaville post office. She was so kind and helpful when I was in this last Friday to mail out some Christmas cards. ❤️🎄 💌 I also captured an updated photo of the upgraded building:


Check out another fantastic Festus establishment that helps you stay connected:

The UPS Store (#5134) in Festus, MO



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