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Relax for the Reveal with Robust Trust

Relaxing on a trip

When I think about the meaning behind the word “reveal,” I associate words like discovery, visibility, appearing, and unfolding. 

Many of us have so much that we are wanting, desiring, and craving to be revealed in many areas of our life. 

It is not always easy to have patience for these results and outcomes to be revealed. 

My favorite mantra, of all time, is:

“The truth, in time, tells all.”

We can inhale this comforting mantra in.

We can relax into knowing, with robust trust, all will be revealed in time. 

…and exhale…

I chose these pictures of clouds from a plane from a 2023 trip. I am ready for my visions of a 2024 trip to be revealed!

Many of us can get so worked up about everything that could go wrong before, or when, flying.

“What if…” tends to go through our brain.

But, typically once we are in-flight, and relax, we look out to witness the glorious beauty of our world revealed.

For me, these sights shift my perspective and instantly calm my nervous system. I inhale and exhale and realize, I am in the plane now, I might just as well relax and trust that everything will work out.

Within this flight, on this trip, and in this life…

It all, always, works out and reveals itself. 

Sometimes we just need to relax with robust trust.

This is a non-paid endorsement inviting you to tune in to the feeling of relaxation for your reveal, with robust trust, throughout the many itty-bitty moments of your day. 

Trust is also associated with belief. More on this concept:



Developing relationships with people you trust is a big deal. Learn why so many people within our community trust:

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