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Secret Signs

A feather sign in Festus, MO

Do you believe in signs?

Something grabs you to steal your attention, even for a split, itty-bitty second.

Arbitrary objects or a random thought, followed by a validation of another.

It can show up physically or internally as an inkling, a feeling, a chill, a noticing…some sort of observation. Soon enough, it is a recognized pattern of “things” or occurrences.

Evidence of something.

Maybe this awareness is due to a subconscious seeking or perhaps it is in reference to something we are curious about, or consciously asking.

We can choose to see patterns or common incidents as a sign or a random coincidence. The serendipity does not make a difference to anyone else. We choose to interpret what we see, feel and observe. We have the power to decide what a sign means to us. Sometimes we are ready to receive a sign, perhaps even requesting for more signs to be revealed.

If you recognize a sign pattern in what shows up for you – mentally, emotionally or physically, I invite you to hold space for that sign.

You can even have fun to research what certain signs, dreams or objects mean in a universal setting. Google it. Ask yourself, “How could this apply to me in my life chapter?”

Dig deeper within your own inner exploration to find a greater meaning that is impactful for you. If a part of you feels silly with your interpretations and personal correlation, keep it to yourself. Your signs can be your secret. You do not always have to share everything you witness on your journey with the world.

Signs, like your intuition, can be a safe, private guiding light for you. You have access to this. Sometimes we just need to be still and quiet long enough to hold space to receive. Be open. That sign may look and feel different than you thought it would. Such is the magnificence and intrigue of serendipity.

It is your prerogative to determine if a sign will help you stay steady, let go, change or move forward.

I have found so many feathers on my walks lately. Perhaps it just birds being busy out and about this glorious time of year. Perhaps it is something else?More tuning into nature:

An Attitude of Abundance

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