SPLASH Into Summer At The Splash Zone 

Bay of Naples Splash Zone at Kade’s Playground in Herculaneum, MO

Many of us naturally, subconsciously, operate with a negativity bias. While this can keep us safe, we often tell ourselves to keep believing in negative limits. We can operate from this negativity so much, we start fighting for, and finding evidence, to hold us back. This is a non-paid endorsement inviting you to SLASH through the negative objectives that could hold you back this summer.

You are invited to slash the negative chatter and SPLASH into summer fun at the Bay of Naples Splash Zone at Kade’s Playground in Herculaneum, Missouri.

Let’s practice overcoming some common summertime limiting objections here:

Super hot and humid out? 

No problem! Play in the cool water! 

Too much sun? 

No problem! Cool off and stay chill in the shade under the many covered seating areas.

Need more sun?

You got it! Bring a chair, towel, or a blanket to spread out, and maybe even take a nap in the sun. Energize with vitamin D on the concrete or grassy areas.

Tight on funds or trying to save for that summer vacation?

Oh yea! This is a FREE park/area!!

Do you have a kid who is wild with energy, driving you a little crazy this summer?

No problem! Have them burn it off…they can explore, run, play and be wild on the playground, swings, volcano, and in the splash zone area!

Want to be social and meet up with people/kiddos from school, but don’t want to host the wild and crazy little ones at your house?

No problem! This is a perfect place to meet up with people for an hour, or an afternoon. 

Need a place for everyone, of all ages and abilities? 

You are set! All ages and abilities welcome! From itty-bitty babies up to a senior, adventures and memories are created here. Bring your stroller to walk around the concrete while your older ones play in a safe and contained area.

Is your soul wanting to feel FREE like a little kid again…and really relish in the summer energy…but you don’t know how?

No problem! Go ahead, hop on a swing, go down the slide, cool off your feet as you walk around in the water. This is a judgment-free zone for you to remember there is still a child who still lives within you.

Did you arrive and forget to bring your book?

No problem! They have a little “take a book/leave a book” library. 

Want to pack a picnic and be outside but need a REAL restroom nearby? 

No problem! They have a big, clean building with full plumbing and multiple restrooms, including changing stations and height-appropriate sinks ready for your itty-bitty to clean up.

Dietary needs for your outdoor picnic? 

No problem! Simply pack your own food or drive through one of our fine local Festus-area establishments to bring everything you need.

Need to get out and walk the dog?

No problem! There are many walking paths and a dog park right behind this park. Just remember, Fido is not able to play in the playground or splash zone area.

What am I missing?

Please share what you love about this special place in the comments on social media. 

As always, thank you for taking the time to share this post/link to help another person SLASH through their limits to encourage them to SPLASH into summer fun at Bay of Naples Splash Zone at Kade’s Playground.

This fun and positive energy is available, despite what your sabotaging negative chatter might want you to believe. 

Maybe we all choose to fight for the cultivation of a positive and thriving mind, body, soul, and community. 

We have the power to create this.

Kade’s Playground

776 Joachim Ave, Herculaneum, MO 63048

Per Facebook, “You are welcome to reach out to our Park Superintendent, Candace with any questions or comments about the park.

If you’re in the area on a Saturday morning, you are invited to:

Saturdays from 8 AM – noon – Herculaneum FRESH Farmer’s Market

More on/about Kade’s Playground:

SPLASH ZONE NOW OPEN at Kade’s Playground in Herculaneum, MO

Another place to cool off and splash around:

De Soto Park Delivers

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