Spotlight on Festus, MO Transplant: Kate Kauffmann

Kate Kauffmann with Audrey & Dayton

Despite moving into our Festus, MO neighborhood in the summer of 2020, we are just now meeting and getting to know some of our neighbors. I was honored and excited to accept an invitation for dinner across the street at Kate and William Kauffmann’s home not long ago. Their promise of homemade chili and “The World’s Best Grilled Cheese Sandwiches” (made by William with yellow mustard and pickle relish!) did not disappoint for a comforting meal for our families to unite.

I was awestruck by the many similarities between Kate and myself: both of us are in newer “life chapters” and each are relatively new in the Festus community. Kate lived most of her life in Illinois, but move from Cape Girardeau, MO to Festus about seven years ago. Kate is a woman of many talents. She has excelled in roles as a musician, performer, mother, business manager, spiritual mentor, wife, artist and grandmother…just to name a few.

I learned about Kate’s perseverance to overcome unthinkable challenges and hardships in her life. To carry her through times of struggle, she has paired her personal strength and unwavering conviction with taking brilliant leaps of faith to dramatically change her life. She has taken many risks, always seeking to live in a more authentic alignment with her values and beliefs.

Kate proves that all the hope in the world does not matter, or get results, unless one acts with intention to modify and move forward. She has trusted in the unknown and is now reaping the rewards of her risks. Kate is a shining example that there is always another level to grow, gain clarity and be happier. She demonstrates that there is no end to “better” in our life.Kate and William’s lives are blessed by each person in their big, beautiful blended family. It is understandable why their grandchildren love spending time with them, especially in their home. In addition to their gentle and compassionate souls, they should add “World’s Most Fun and Imaginative Basement” to their list of awards, next to the Grilled Cheese Sandwich category. They have created itty-bitty rooms and perfectly designed scenes for dolls, for hours of playing. This little world, like so much of learning about Kate, was an unexpected and delightful hidden treasure.

Kate is an inspiration. May her story motivate you to take risks to modify aspects of your life for the betterment of you.

This is a non-paid endorsement encouraging you to meet someone “new” in your neighborhood. You never know what treasures may be hiding next door.

Another time I ventured out to meet someone new:

Interview with Local R-7 Native: Robert Chance

My kids also love the grilled cheese sandwiches at:

Main & Mill Brewing Company on Our Charming & Historic Festus Main Street

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