Spotlight on Spotlight Community Theatre

Spotlight Community Theater, 2024

Have you ever thought about being on stage or helping behind the stage?

Is there an itty-bitty part of you craving a creative outlet?

Perhaps you are just curious about who is behind the wildly popular Spotlight Community Theatre in Jefferson County!?

Well, you are in luck!

Now is your chance to learn all about this fantastic nonprofit organization that helps people of all ages, and skill sets, shine!

Spotlight Community Theatre – JeffCo just had their Fall Kick Off meeting on Sunday, September 1 at on our historic and charming Festus Main Street (214 E. Main Street).

Check them out to learn more about ALL of their amazing opportunities available for ALL curious souls!

Check out my daughter’s experience from earlier in 2024: 

Spotlight on Spotlight Community Theatre

My teenage daughter’s spirit has been sparked and nourished by discovering our local Spotlight Community Theatre this year.

She wanted to share her experience, in hopes of inspiring another spirit to be sparked and nourished.

In her own words:

“Hi, my name is Audrey and I’m here to shine a little light on Spotlight Community Theatre. 

I will tell you about my journey, how much I love Spotlight, and how much I’m going to be doing it this summer. 

When I first started Spotlight, I didn’t know what to do and I didn’t know who I was going to meet.

I auditioned at a Festus church for my ATS (Acting Troupe Showcase) play. I practiced with the sides they provided online. Sides are basically little skits you do to try out. Then they showed the cast list like a week later. 

It doesn’t matter if you get a big part or not, you’re still going to have a bunch of fun. I promise you, we just have so much fun! 

This summer I’m going to be doing the Teen Showcase. The Teen Showcase is for ages 13 to 18. It’s like a talent show. I am going to be doing a solo dance that I am choreographing! I’m very excited about it. 

In June, I will be trying out for Newsies, which is for ages 6 to 13. 

Spotlight Community Theatre is also putting on Oklahoma, which is for ages 14 and up. 

You can sign up for these on their website. Please do it, it will be the highlight of your summer. I promise you that. 

Everyone is sooo nice and so friendly there. They have a NO BULLYING tolerance. So if you’re a bully, I suggest you stay out!! You can join in from any school district or be homeschooled. Before I participated in the ATS play, I barely knew anyone from different schools. Now, I am super close friends with at least 10 of them.

I hope you chose to come to Spotlight or come to watch the entertaining shows! Thank you!”

This is a non-paid endorsement inviting you to spark and nourish your spirit.

Sharing this link has the itty-bitty potential to spark another spirit in a big, nourishing way.

Have you been sparked by participating in, or nourished by watching a community theatre collaboration in your life?

Please share in the comments on social media.

Check out ALL the details about these upcoming shows, how to get involved, and more:

Spotlight Community Theatre – JeffCo

Spotlight Community Theatre’s Website

Another fun “review” by Miss Audrey on a place that sparks her spirit:

A Grand Place to Gather: The Green Room

Spotlight Community Theatre is also affiliated with The Historic Tanglefoot Association, sparking community revitalization. Learn more about them:

10/24/24 at 6:00 PM, The Next Historic Tanglefoot Association General Meeting (Open To The Public!)

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