“The key to success is to start before you’re ready.”
- Marie Forleo
Sometimes we are presented with an unexpected opportunity in life that is ready for us before we “think” we are ready.
THINK is the operative word here.
How often are any of us ever feeling we are really, truly ready when that unexpected opportunity is upon us?
Within these moments of time, we get to choose:
…Do we want to decline or move forward?…
Regardless, if we THINK we are ready, or not, if we have pure intentions for an optimistic outcome and positive energy, I think we CAN be ready to just START.
For me, while it was not in my 2024 schedule to create a podcast, I listened to what residents, visitors, and businesses in Jefferson County were craving, and asking me for…and moved forward when the unexpected opportunity was presented to me.
While I do not have all the answers ironed out yet, I do have pure intentions for an optimistic outcome and I feel the positive energy flowing within me.
While I am not ready to release everything yet, I wanted to let you know I have STARTED something new and exciting.
This is a non-paid endorsement, encouraging you to simply START before you THINK you’re ready.
If you have pure intentions for an optimistic outcome and positive energy, I KNOW you WILL SUCCEED. I am cheering you on!
If you would like to follow me and cheer on this new adventure, please check out the new page:
Here, you can view my pure intentions and feel my positive energy as you learn a little more.
I am thrilled to share this teaser of what is to come with the sweet NEW MyFESTUS.com Conversations podcast show!
That’s all for now…enjoy this short and sweet, tasty teaser treat.
Wanna know when these sweet and entertaining episodes will drop/air?
Simply SUBSCRIBE to receive email communication.
As always, I am grateful for you taking the time to SHARE this post/link as all of us CONNECT with enthusiasm for this fresh new way to SUPPORT each other in OurFESTUS, and in OUR Jefferson County community.
Oh, and please share in the comments on social media so we can ALL cheer YOU on…what was something you STARTED…or are planning to START…before you felt/feel ready?
Interested in learning more about the inspiring, new energy/vibe to CONNECT with OurFESTUS-area community? CLICK HERE and let us know!
P.S. I am proud to partner with Ray Halbrook with Live Stream STL for this powerful (and playful!) production.