Texas Roadhouse, Where Everything is Bigger

Texas Roadhouse in Festus, MO

Eat some great food for a great cause! I love when businesses can help non-profit organizations!

Texas Roadhouse (Festus, MO – 1351 Shapiro Drive) is often helping with local non-profit organizations for their fundraising efforts.

Check in with them to find out how 10% of all Dine-in or To-Go food sales at the Festus Texas Roadhouse can be donated back to a charitable organization.

Check out a piece I wrote about this location in early 2024:

Texas Roadhouse, Where Everything is Bigger:

Check out a piece I wrote in early 2024 about Texas Roadhouse, Where Everything is Bigger:

“Everything is bigger in Texas”…isn’t that what they say? 

While I have only been to the state of Texas a couple times, I would concur that everything about Texas Roadhouse is bigger. 

Despite the Festus, Missouri location opening in 2023, I just recently dined in to check them out. They have a big following. This is a popular place. When calling ahead or checking in, there has been a consistent big wait, typically 60 to 90 minutes to be seated. You can, conveniently, add your name to a waitlist online. If you have that kind of big space in your schedule, where your big appetite is not making you hangry, they do have a big parking lot and a big, spacious foyer/waiting room with benches to hang out.

When it is your big time to be called to be seated, you will notice the big personality of the energy throughout the restaurant. Big paintings, murals, and lights. Signs and extra big decor are displayed throughout. My favorites were those that featured Festus people, places, and organizations.

Once you move through the big restaurant, you will notice the big space with many big tables and booths, and a big bar to sit at. When I was there, the music was big/loud, playing some classic and trendy country songs.

Their big menu consists of classic Texas-style offerings with everything from big salads to big steaks to big comforting sides, and more. If you have a big appetite, there are many options with big portions. If you have an itty-bitty appetite, there are a plethora of appetizers and smaller-sized options. I thought my meal had big flavor. 

If you are there to celebrate something big, like a big birthday, the friendly Texas Roadhouse team will create big smiles with their big claps to sing you a birthday tune. They will even bring out a big horse saddle for itty-bitty, or big, kids to sit on. This is a fun way to remember your big milestone.

Local kids, of all sizes and ages, benefit from the many ways Texas Roadhouse partners with schools and nonprofit organizations. They help with fundraising efforts, donating portions of dining totals back to the group. They recently, proudly stated, “We love our community. We were able to raise over $6,500 in 2023 for local organizations and schools through our Dine to Donate fundraisers.” This kind of big support for our local community makes a big difference. 

This is a non-paid endorsement inviting you to experience the big aspects of our local Festus Texas Roadhouse.

Texas Roadhouse (Festus, MO – 1351 Shapiro Drive)

1351 Shapiro Drive, Festus, MO

Living Life on Two Wheels and Jeffco Shop With a Cop are a couple of incredibly impactful local nonprofit organizations who have partnered with Texas Roadhouse for their “Dine to Donate” fundraising efforts in the past. Check them out:

Loving a Life Living on Two Wheels, With Wings

Lewis Pippin and Jeffco Shop With A Cop: On a Mission to Create Magical Miracles

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