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The Contrarian Concert Hall & Theater NOW OPEN!

The Contrarian

The time that we have all been waiting for is here! The Contrarian Concert Hall & Theater on our charming and historic Festus Main Street is now opening their doors, presenting entertainment shows open to the public!

Check out their Facebook page for information about the live music and comedy show scheduled for the rest of the 2024 year. Have fun planning ahead and have something fun to look forward to!

To learn more about the construction of The Contrarian, check out a previous story I wrote to get the the vibe of what has been created.

Thank you for taking the time to share this link and spread the word as we all celebrate what this team is doing to construct the culture and create the community here.

The Construction of The Contrarian (as written by Sara in June, 2024)

Have you ever watched MTV’s popular television show “MTV Cribs?” 

The show invites the audience into celebrity homes for a behind-the-scenes, insider-scoop viewing party. Celebrities have candid conversations, often talking about the construction of their upbringing and career that led them to their incredible success. While we “oooh and ahhh” at the “things,” we also are invited to get to know the featured celebrity a little more, often with the realization that we are all humans living this thing called life. 

One local human who is living this thing called life on a grand scale as a celebrity and influencer in his own right, Luke Tetrault, invited me to have a MTV Cribs-style behind-the-scenes tour at Jefferson County’s hottest new venue for concerts and entertainment, The Contrarian. 

Located on our entertaining, historic, and charming Main Street in Festus, Missouri, The Contrarian is currently under construction, making daily progress for guests to walk through the door for shows starting at the end of July, 2024.

The name “contrarian” explains the intention and energy behind what guests, both artists and the audience, can experience within the venue.

The term “contrarian” is a concept of “going against the grain,” standing out, despite what everyone else is doing. A contrarian is a visionary, having the courage to have a different, authentic opinion and voice, regardless of what might be “popular” or comfortable to everyone else.

As a lifelong musician, Navy veteran, prior Hawaii resident, rock band member, sculptor, business owner, and leader, Luke has authentically brought his contrarian vision to life to benefit our community.

He has teamed up with another authentically talented local celebrity and influencer, Patrick Thompson. Like Luke, Patrick has not been afraid to let his voice be heard. In fact, he was a contestant on the sixth season of NBC’s popular television show, “The Voice.”

Patrick and Luke have teamed up to intentionally build the vision and the logistics of The Contrarian. They are using their artistic experiences to construct and cultivate more culture within OurFESTUS-area community. Their vision is coming to light with this state of the art venue that has top-notch, high-quality elements to create memorable experiences for both the performing artists, and the engaged audience members. 

Luke and Patrick know how important it is to have top-notch, high-quality elements to intentionally cultivate high-quality, memorable experiences.

Within their leadership roles at the popular local restaurant, Taytro’s Bar and Bistro, they have created intentionally memorable experiences for both their team members, and all their customers through their top-notch, high-quality elements of serving fresh and flavorful food, attentive and engaging service, in a cheerful, welcoming environment.

Luke said a few of the top notch, high-quality elements of The Contrarian will be the sound and lighting setting the stage (literally and figuratively) for thought-provoking and inspirational artists to authentically perform, educate, and entertain in an open and welcoming environment, with a regal feel and a dignified energy for all.

The regal decor is still under construction. While the walls are still being painted, and the flooring still has to be laid, and the comfortable, royal seats have yet to be secured, there is already an exciting and grand energy within the space.

Once the construction is final, the vision is to have an upper and lower bar, a VIP balcony area, high-top tables and chair seating, a state of the art sound booth, and an open stage that encourages artists, such as musicians, actors, and comedians to truly inspire as they perform, educate, and entertain from their authentic place.

In addition to events that will be open to the public, there will also be an opportunity for people to rent out the regal space for conventions, workshops, private events, and more. Personally, I am rooting for a Festus TED Talk stage/convention in the future!

This is yet another non-paid endorsement rooting for you to savor these behind-the-scenes pictures as you support the construction and creation of The Contrarian, a future space for connection and culture creation within our community. 

May we all appreciate the behind-the-scenes construction tour before the fruition and opening of this incredibly successful and creative space. As we “oooh and ahhh” at the “things” to come, we can all realize that it starts with brave humans living this thing called life. 

I applaud and thank Luke and Patrick, and all the other contrarian visionaries, who are stepping out and stepping up to go against the grain for the benefit of our entire community. 

Thank YOU for helping to benefit our community by spreading the word and sharing this post/link within your circle/to your peeps.

Oh, and please share on social media:

What types of bands/shows/entertainment would you love to see on The Contrarian stage?

P.S. I am in love with whoever is planting these itty-bitty nuggets of joy…these toy creatures… around town! I have seen a couple now.

 Anyone know who is doing this? 

I love you, whoever you are.

Please continue to stay tuned for more information about shows and events that The Contrarian will be hosting, as well as additional behind-the-scenes information about the talented local people and impressive places within OurFESTUS area community.

The Contrarian Concert Hall & Theater

125 E Main Street, Festus, MO

P.P.S. While construction will not be fully complete, The Contrarian will be open for the Spotlight Community Theatre’s production of Newsie’s Jr. at the end of July! My daughter will be performing.

More on Spotlight Community Theatre – JeffCo:

Spotlight on Spotlight Community Theatre

Another MTV television show reference and place to be entertained on our entertaining, charming, and historic Festus Main Street:

Break Out of a Boxed In Escape Room

Check out Taytro’s Bar and Bistro and how you can create a memorable experiences:

Taytro’s Bar and Bistro’s Patio of Fun in Festus, MO

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