The Evolution of Identity Illustrations

Dayton's Self Portrait

Our identity is much like an evolution of illustrations.

When we look at pictures over the years of children, and their drawings of self-portraits, we observe the evolution of their skill sets and talents, as well as their emotional, intellectual, and physical growth.  

Their identities, like their illustrations, are transformative. 

This type of transformation should not end when a child becomes an adult.

We all have the power to evolve our skill sets, talents, emotional, intellectual, and physical growth at any age. 

We can draw and create our own self-portrait of our own identity, to sketch, color, shade, and frame, in any which way we like. 

We can always erase, start over, make itty-bitty changes, or embrace our creation exactly the way we want. 

Perhaps, when we choose to tune into childlike curiosity to learn and wonder about who we want to BE, and how we want to show up in this world, the illustration of our desired identity will be revealed.

This is a non-paid endorsement inviting you to invite in blissful curiosity as you illustrate your ideal identity.

Please share how your identity has evolved on social media.

Transformation stories are so helpful and healing for all of us.  

Stories help us to connect as we support our own identity, and the identities of others.

As always, if this resonated with you, you are invited to share/pass this concept along.

Another reflection on the how we can change/evolve:

Intentional Attention 


A local place where you are invited to show up exactly who/as you are:

Brittni Boyer – Believing in the Benefits of Embracing a Beginner’s Mind

More on my son’s evolving artistic journey:

Space for a Festus Artist


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