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The Gospel According to Gail

Sara and Gail

I honor, respect and love my mother, Gail, every day of the year; however, this Mother’s Day, I wanted pay a special tribute to her. In reflecting on her mothering, I keep circling back to concepts and themes she has instilled in me, and others. I have not been the only person who has been positively impacted by her teachings.

With a 35-year career in education, my mother has taught thousands of students in Wisconsin, in the field of Family and Consumer Sciences (formally called Home Economics). I wanted to share with the world the Top 10 Commandments/life lessons/mantras that she has infused into my life, and many others:

  1. If you do not love yourself, you cannot love anyone else.

2. You can do anything for a short period of time.

3. Friends can be family.

4. Teach independence at an itty-bitty age. Children should know basic life skills like cooking, cleaning, money management and self-care. This builds self-esteem and self-confidence, which is essential in making healthy choices.

5. People can be equal-opportunity jerks, don’t take their rudeness personally. When hearing insults, consider the source.

6. It is what it is. Hindsight is 20/20. Things work out exactly the way they should.

7. Sports are not the only thing you can compete in.

  1. One can find balance in working a fulfilling full-time career while be a loving, present parent.

10. When you pair your passion with your God-given talents, it doesn’t feel like work.

11. Education is never wasted. We are all lifelong learners.

Mom, thank you for being such a strong and supportive role model for myself, my children, your students and the people who are blessed to be around you. I am one of many who are grateful for your words of wisdom and how you show up in this world. You are an inspiration. We admire and love you.

My father is equally fantastic. More about him and father-figures:

Choosing Your Father-Figure Mentor

Learn about a sweet local Mother-Daughter Duo:

Healing Gifts from a Local Mother & Daughter Duo

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