Trusting Turtles

Turtle in Festus, MO

The turtles in Festus, Missouri are out. You have likely observed them basking in the heat and sun, out on the roads and sidewalks. Unaware, a turtle may be in danger of being run over by a car, or face other catastrophic obstacles, if it were to continue on its path. Many of us see this and compassionately take time out to redirect them.

As I gently move turtles to safety, I think about what it must feel like to a turtle. Maybe they are determined on their trail of where they are going, looking forward to their destination. Perhaps they have no end goal, they are just joyfully enjoying the journey. Then, someone scoops them up and transfers them in a totally different direction. Likely, without knowing why, they keep moving along on their turtle trek.

This happens to all of us from time to time in this life. The future we had envisioned and dreamt about is no longer a reality. Maybe we needed to get to a place of safety or move around a roadblock? Maybe the road ended? Either way, we change courses and move along. While there is incredible value in optimistic manifestation and positive imagery of a future we desire, there is also astonishing benefits in being adaptive when needed, especially when it comes to making or accepting a change necessary for our safety.

Finding the beneficial balance between living with clarity for our future, while having trust in the unknown, is quite the ninja life skill to have.

After all, despite their super powers, the Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles did not hold as much wisdom as Splinter.

Regardless of our age, we can all practice being a ninja to adapt, accept and accelerate when we are moved off of the path we had planned.

“You can’t always get what you want, but if you try sometimes, you just might find, you get what you need.”


Wishing you trust to believe you will be safe to receive what you need, which is likely enough for any turtle, or human, to want.May we save our local turtles. They are trusting in our super power to protect them from the dangers that may be ahead. Thank you for reading and sharing.

More on the concept of trust:

Relax for the Reveal with Robust Trust

A trusting gentleman who you can trust:

Jared Poyner, Just Proving Mindset Matters

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